2022 |
Fabio Bajada, Vincent A. De Gaetano, David E. Zammit (eds.), The Impact of Covid-19 on Migration and Migratory Flows: New Challenges in Tackling Cultural and Religious Diversity / L'impact de la Covid-19 sur la migration et les flux migratoires : de nouveaux défis au regard
de la diversité culturelle et religieuse. Comares, Granada, 2024
Table of Contents EBook Dedicated to Professor Silvio Ferrari, retired Professor of Canon Law at the University of Milan, retired Professor of Church-State Relations at the University of Leuven, and co-founder of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, who became an emeritus member of the Consortium at its Malta meeting. |
2022 |
Roberto Mazzola, Antonio Angelucci and Silvia Baldassare (eds.), The Complex World of Philosophical and non-religious beliefs. Legal and Social Profiles / Le monde complexe de la croyance philosophique et non religieuse. Profils juridiques et sociaux. Comares, Granada, 2024
Table of Contents EBook Dedicated to Pierre-Henry Prélot, Member of the Consortium since 2015 until 2021. In memory of a college and friend. |
2021 |
Lina Papadopoulou (eds.), Islam and Human Rights in the European Union / Islam et droits de l’homme dans l’Union européenne, Comares, Granada, 2022
Table of Contents EBook The European Consortium dedicates these Proceedings to Professor Salvatore Berlingò, Professor of Canon and Ecclesiastical Law, at the University of Messina, Italy, in honour of his active membership in the Consortium. |
2019 |
Miguel Rodríguez Blanco (eds.), Philosophical and Non-Confessional Organisations in Europe / Fiscalités, religions et organisations philosophiques ou non confessionnelles en Europe, Comares, Granada, 2022
Table of Contents EBook This volume is dedicated to Jiri Rajmund Tretera, distinguished scholar and priest, who was elected to the European Consortium for Church and State Research in 2007 and has been an emeritus member since 2017. |
2018 |
Marco Ventura (eds.), The Legal Status of Old and New Religious Minorities in the European Union – Le statut juridique des minorités religieuses anciennes et nouvelles dans l’Union européenne, Comares, Granada, 2021
Table of Contents EBook Dedicated to Richard Potz, a scholar deeply committed to the advancement of Church and State research in Europe, a highly esteemed member of the Consortium since 1998, and an emeritus member since 2016. |
2017 |
Merilin Kiviorg (eds.), Securitisation of Religious Freedom: Religion and Limits of State Control - Sécurisation de la liberté religieuse : La religion et les limites du contrôle de l’Etat, Comares, Granada, 2020
Table of Contents EBook En hommage à José de Sousa e Brito pour sa fidélité aux travaux du Consortium |
2016 |
Ringolds Balodis and Miguel Rodríguez Blanco (eds.), Religious Assistance in Public Institutions – Assistance spirituelle dans les services publics, Comares, Granada, 2018
Table of Contents EBook En hommage à Jean Duffar pour sa fidelité et son engagement aux activités et aux travaux du Consortium |
2015 |
Miguel Rodríguez Blanco (ed.), Law and Religion in the Workplace, Comares, Granada, 2016
Table of Contents EBook These proceedings are dedicated to Professor Richard Puza who was elected to the European Consortium for Church and State Research in 1999 and became an emeritus member in 2014 |
2014 |
Richard Potz, Wolfgang Wieshaider (ed.), Juridictions religieuses et l’Etat – Religious Adjudication and the State, Comares, Granada 2015
Table of Contents EBook These proceedings are dedicated to Professor David McClean who was elected to the European Consortium for Church and State Research in 1990 and became an emeritus member in 2014 |
2013 |
Francis Messner (ed.), Public Authorities and the Training of Religious Personnel in Europe - La formation des cadres religieux en Europe, Comares, Granada 2015
Table of Contents EBook Ces actes du colloque du Consortium européen pour l'étude des relations Eglises/Etat sont dédiés au professeur Francesco Margiotta-Broglio membre fondateur et premier président du Consortium |
2012 |
Balázs Schanda (ed.), The Mutual Roles of Religion and State in Europe - Interférences mutuelles des religions et de l'État dans l'Union Européenne, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Trier 2014
Table of Contents EBook The volume is dedicated to Enrico Vitali |
2011 |
Mark Hill QC (ed.), Religion and Discrimination Law in the European Union - La discrimination en matière religieuse dans l'Union Européenne, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Trier 2012 Table of Contents EBook The proceedings are dedicated to Charalambos Papastathis |
2010 |
Gerhard Robbers (ed.), Religion in Public Education - La religion dans l'éducation publique, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Trier 2011 Table of Contents EBook The volume is dedicated to José María González del Valle |
2009 |
Agustín Motilla (ed.), Immigration, National and Regional Laws and Freedom of Religion, Peeters, Leuven 2012 Table of Contents EBook The volume is dedicated to Axel von Campenhausen |
2008 |
Norman Doe, Matti Kotiranta (ed.), Religion and Criminal Law - Religion et Droit Pénal, Peeters, Leuven 2013 Table of Contents EBook The volume is dedicated to Alexis Pauly |
2007 |
Achilles Emilianides (ed.), Religious Freedom in the European Union: The Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in the European Union, Peeters, Leuven 2011 Table of Contents EBook The volume is dedicated to Alberto de la Hera |
2006 |
Brigitte Basdevant-Gaudemet, Salvator Berlingò (ed.), The Financing of Religious Communities in the European Union. Le financement des religions dans les pays de l'Union européenne, Peeters, Leuven 2009 Table of Contents EBook En hommage à Ingrid Dübeck pour sa fidélité aux travaux du Consortium. |
2005 |
Lars Friedner (ed.), Churches and Other Religious Organisations as Legal Persons, Peeters, Leuven 2007 Table of Contents EBook The European Consortium dedicates these Proceedings to Joseph Listl (Bonn/Augsburg) in honour of his active membership in the Consortium. |
2004 |
Richard Puza, Norman Doe (ed.), Religion and Law in Dialogue: Convenantal and Non-convenantal Cooperation between State and Religion in Europe - Religion et droit en dialogue: collaboration conventionnelle et non-conventionnelle entre l'État et religion en Europe, Peeters, Leuven 2006 Table of Contents EBook To Karin Puza |
2003 |
José María González del Valle, Alexander Hollerbach (ed.), The Teaching of Church-State Relations in European Universities - L'enseignement du droit ecclésiastique de l'État dans les universités européennes, Peeters, Leuven 2005 Table of Contents EBook |
2002 |
Norman Doe (ed.), The Portrayal of Religion in Europe: the Media and the Arts - Le portrait de religion en Europe: les médias et les arts, Peeters, Leuven 2004 Table of Contents EBook |
2001 |
Richard Potz, Wolfgang Wieshaider (ed.), Islam and the European Union, Peeters, Leuven 2004 Table of Contents EBook |
2000 |
Francis Messner (ed.), Le statut des confessions religieuses des États candidats à l'Union européenne - The status of religious confessions of the States applying for membership to the European Union, Giuffrè, Milan 2002 Table of Contents Ebook |
1999 |
Inger Dubeck, Frands Ole Overgaard (ed.), Social Welfare, Religious Organizations and the State. Les établissements d'assistance, l'État, les Églises et la société, Guiffrè, Milan 2003 Table of Contents Ebook |
1998 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, Cittadini e Fedeli nei paesi dell'Unione Europea - Citizens and Believers in the countries of the European Union. Una doppia appartenenza alla prova della secolarizzazione e della mondializzazione - A double membership to the test of secularization and globalization, Bruylant, Leuven / Giuffrè, Milan / Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999 Table of Contents EBook |
1997 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, New religious Movements and the Law in the European Union - Les nouveaux mouvements religieux et le droit dans l'Union européenne, Bruylant, Leuven / Giuffrè, Milan / Nomos, Baden-Baden 1999 Table of Contents EBook |
1996 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, Religions in European Union law. Les religions dans le droit communautaire, Brylant, Leuven / Giuffrè, Milan / Nomos, Baden-Baden 1998 Table of Contents EBook |
1995 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, "New Liberties" and Church and State Relationships in Europe -"Nouvelles Libertés" et relations Églises-État en Europe, Bruylant, Leuven / Giuffrè, Milan / Nomos, Baden-Baden 1998 Table of Contents EBook The European Consortium dedicates these Proceedings to Prof. Alexander Hollerbach (Freiburg i. Br.) in honour of his 65th birthday. |
1994 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, Le statut constitutionnel des cultes dans les pays de l'Union européenne - The Constitutional Status of Churches in the European Union Countries, Litec, Paris / Giuffrè, Milan 1995 Table of Contents Ebook |
1993 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, The Legal Status of religious minorities in the countries of the European Union - Le statut légal des minorités religieuses dans les pays de l'Union européenne, Sakkoulas, Thessaloniki / Giuffrè, Milan 1994 Table of Contents EBook |
1992 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, Churches and Labour Law in the EC Countries - Les Églises et le droit du travail dans les pays de la Communauté européenne, Giuffrè, Milan / Facultad de Derecho, Madrid 1993 Table of Contents EBook |
1991 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, Marriage and Religion in Europe - Les effets civils du mariage religieux en Europe, Giuffrè, Milan 1993 Table of Contents EBook |
1990 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, Conscientious Objection in the EC Countries - L'Obiezione di coscienza neipaesi della comunità europea, Giuffrè, Milan 1992 Table of Contents EBook |
1989 |
European Consortium for Church and State Research, Stati e Confessioni Religiose in Europa. Modelli di Finanziamento Pubblico. Scuola e fattore religioso. - Church and State in Europe. State Financial Support. Religion and the School, Giuffrè, Milan 1992 Table of Contents EBook |