The European Consortium for Church and State Research was founded on December 12th 1989.

The Consortium is composed of a number of professors sharing a common interest in the relations between States and religious denominations in Europe from a historical, political and, particularly, juridical point of view.

The Consortium promotes studies in this spectrum, organizes meetings and facilitates contacts between scholars from the various European Countries. It especially promotes the cooperation in scientific research and the sharing of specialized knowledge. Furthermore, the Consortium provides consultation and advisory services for both state and private corporations, whether national or international, regarding institutional activities within the Consortium's field of interest.

Since 1989 the Consortium organizes meetings on a yearly basis. The proceedings of the Consortium's meetings have been published by Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore (Milan), Bruylant (Brussels), Nomos (Baden-Baden), Peeters (Leuven), Institute for European Constitutional Law (IECL, University of Trier) and Comares (Granada) in cooperation with other publishing houses. The Consortium has published the annual "European Journal for Church and State Research - Revue européenne des relations Églises-État". Moreover, a handbook on "State and Church in the European Union" has been published in cooperation with the Consortium. The book, originally published in German, was translated into English, French, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Greek, Polish, Russian and Georgian. In collaboration with the Unité de Recherche Droit, religion, entreprise et société (DRES, CNRS and Université de Strasbourg) a bibliographical database on law and religion has been established in 27 European countries.

The Consortium is directed by an annually elected President, and an Executive Committee, which is elected for three years.


Louis-Léon Christians, Belgium


Marco Ventura, Italy

Mark Hill, United Kingdom

Merilin Kiviorg, Estonia

Miguel Rodríguez Blanco, Spain


Prof. Dr. Miguel Rodríguez Blanco

Área de Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado.
Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Alcalá
C/Libreros, 27. E-28801. Alcalá de Henares (Spain)
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. +34 91 885 43 19

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